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To change direction in Life can be really difficult, especially when desires are there but reason or method, maybe a little slow to follow, or the current of habits, still pull you in the same direction …and make it difficult to change, although direction is clear.

This would be a situation where life coaching could be of help, to give you another perspective on your situation and to help you to understand your Paradigm, the very thing through which you view your world. The reality that your daily life provides you with, through the experiences that you may have had and the conditioning it provided. It can become quite difficult to change direction, like being at sea on a stormy and foggy night.

What we perceive and see is who we are or believe to be – our Paradigms, frame of reference are very powerful but they can shift! This may be a deliberate and slow process or for some it may well be an instantaneous experience, triggered by life events or even just a deep engaging conversation.

But HOW? And how do you know WHAT to change? … I hear you ask.

Well, here is a little story that may shed some light on it:

Two Battleships assigned to training squadron had been at sea in heavy weather for several days. I was serving on the lead battleship and was on watch on the bridge as night fell. The visibility was poor with patchy fog, so the captain of the ship remained on the bridge , keeping an eye on all activities.

Shortly after dark, the lookout on the wing of the bridge reported: ”Light, bearing on starboard bow”.

”Is it moving steady astern?”, the captain called out.

Lookout replied, ”Steady, captain,”…which ment we were on collision coures with that ship.

The Captain then called to the signalman, ”Signal that ship: We are on collision course, advise to change course by 20 degrees.”

Back came a signal, ”Advisable for you to change course 20 Degrees.”

The Captain said: ” Send, I am a captain, change course 20 Degrees.” – ”I am a seaman second class, still you had better changed your course 20 Degrees.”

By that time the captain was furious. He spat out, ” Send, I’m a battleship. CHANGE course 20 Degrees.”

Back came the flashing light: ” I’m a lighthouse. ”

We changed Course.

Frank Koch ‘Proceedings’

Now, you may not need to be in stormy weathers or stuck in a fog, but maybe things aren’t so plain sailing. And maybe you don’t feel like you are the captain of your ship at all, but an onlooker or someone who is just sending out messages – on other peoples behalf.

It may be that your subjective reality doesn’t serve you any longer, it may be time – where a fresh look at the objective reality may provide you with the answers you are looking for!?

Maybe take some time, this evening or tomorrow morning, 20 minute half an hour is enough; and IDENTIFY (write down) 3 things that aren’t working for you, where you wish that they would be different.

This could be assumed barriers, habitual behaviour, lack of performance etc…. then try to find an alternative way of reacting in these situations, or how you would like things to be…that would INTERRUPT your current pattern…flip it…instead of asking or waiting for others to change course, what could you do!? And you might find that you’ll create a new situation for yourself, when implemented.

And those 20 minutes taken out to reflect and to take time; on looking at your situation, may provide you with the time and space to consider other options… the light ahead of you – may not be the oncoming train, it could also be the end of the tunnel.

If talking things through would help, to get another angle on the whole situation…

… contact me for your FREE CONSULTATION, what can you gain?

Well, what have you got to loose?



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